Monday, August 14 7pm- recruiter meeting

Hello Again CROP Walk Recruiters!

Just a reminder of our Recruiter Orientation & Training:
When: Aug 14th 7:00pm
Where: First Congregational Church, 1128 Pine Street, Boulder CO 80302
About 45 minutes, we hope

Topics: walker forms, recruiting techniques, walk day info including maps of route, and Q&A. Here is a link to a video showing some of the things you will receive at our meeting. Feel free to view as you have time and we can discuss these resources at our meeting.


Our hostess, Denise Cone says  Parking can sometimes be a challenge, so attendees are invited to park in our church lot which is west of the two buildings off the alley between Pine and Spruce Streets. We’ll be meeting in the  Chapel in the Faith Cente

The main entrance is on the north, Pine Street side, and the upper south entrance off the alley will be open if people park in the city lot on Spruce just south of the church.  Doors will be unlocked after 6:30-7:30 ish for the meeting. If you arrive and the doors are locked, you can contact Phil’s Cell 303-717-0077.

Other Questions- feel free to contact us if you need anything

Dennis and I once again want to thank YOU for your important impact on recruiting folks from your churches, synagogues, and organizations that wish to join us in this effort to combat hunger!

PS- We’ve had some email challenges so if you could be so kind as to give us updates (see below) – thank you

  1. Will you be able to continue to be the recruiter for your faith community for 2017?
  2. Do you have any changes to your contact information?
  3. Or, if you are not returning as a recruiter but have found someone else to serve, can you please send us that person’s name and contact information?

THANK YOU for again your past and current involvement in the CROP Hunger Walk.  We look forward to working with you in the weeks and months ahead!

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