39th Annual Boulder County CROP Hunger Walk!
October 20, 2024
Cairn Christian Church
1700 Stonehenge Dr.
Lafayette, CO 80025
1:00-1:45 Registration, 2pm Walk Start
Please join us!
Our walk will take you through the Lafayette you have never seen. Plus, the longer walk will take you around Erie lake and the Arapahoe Ridge area.
Join a team, sponsor a walker, or simply donate, by clicking here to Boulder County CROP Hunger Walk site.
Funds raised will go to Church World Service, locally to Community Food Share, as well as Bread for the World. Funds can also be donated to other hunger related causes such as Mazon, CARE, etc. See a full list here
The 2022 CROP walk was held
37th Annual Boulder County CROP Hunger Walk!
October 16, 2022
Atonement Lutheran Church
685 Inca Parkway
Boulder, CO 80303
1:00-1:45 Registration, 2pm Walk Start
The walk raised $38,697.86!
October, 2021 WALK TOTALS!
Thanks for celebrating the 36th year of the walk with us! Together, we were able to raise:
$44283.56 – 2022 totals
This is incredible! I am so proud of you all. Please congratulate all your fundraisers and walkers! What a phenomenal job you folks did this year to make this remarkable total!
October 24th, 2021 Heart of Longmont CROP Walk Excitement
Celebrate the 36th year of the walk with us!
All walkers and recruiters are excited to participate in this years Boulder County CROP Hunger Walk hosted by the Heart of Longmont. This year’s walk will wind around historic east Longmont and the Kiteley neighborhood, touring past community gardens, canals and city parks!
See the MAPS of the walk here.
You are welcome to join us! You can raise funds or support your favorite team or walker online at Boulder County CROP Walk!
Have questions? Check out our frequently asked questions.
For more information, please email: bouldercropwalk@gmail.com
The 2021 Boulder CROP Hunger Walk Host announced!
Updated totals for 2020 CROP walk as of November 6th, 2020!
Treasurer Leslie Sutton has announced that the current total that you all raised for the 2020 CROP walk is incredible!
If you sill have contributions to make, you can submit offline donations (checks, etc.) to:
Leslie Sutton
PO Box 20946
Boulder, CO 80308
You are also welcome to continue to contribute online on the Boulder CROP walk CWS PAGE using this link.
2020 preliminary totals are on October 27th, 2020!
As of Tuesday am, October 27th, 2020 the current total is $36,315!
Wow- This is incredible! As you know…the need this year for assistance is huge!
If you sill have contributions to make, please contribute online on the Boulder CROP walk CWS PAGE using this link.
Please submit offline donations (checks, etc.) to:
Leslie Sutton
PO Box 20946
Boulder, CO 80308
Join us for our modified walk October 18th-25th, 2020!
Join the MODIFIED CROP WALK during the week of October 18-25th, culminating October 25th, 2020.
You can help us raise funds online!
It is easy! Find your team or individual to support using this Boulder County CROP Hunger walk Link.
Click on DONATE, or scroll down to the search bar and type in the team or walker you are looking for. That will take you to their page so you can support them.Need more information? Email us at bouldercropwalk@gmail.com.
Updates: Where does the money go?
This year, the need is great.
Community Food Share continues to disperse 1 million pounds of food each month! (more food given away than any time in their 40-year history) They will receive 24% of the funds this year’s Boulder CROP walk raises.
Bread for the World receives 1% of the funds. It is a grassroots organization that works to pass legislation that supports those in need. Members write letters, call, or even visit their congress folks to help them pass legislation like increasing funding and benefits for those receiving SNAP in the age of COVID. (Supplementary Nutrition Access Program, which used to be food stamps)
Finally, 75% of our funding goes to the international organization Church World Service which right now is preparing to help with disaster relief for both the terrible forest fires and Hurricane Sally. For disasters, they provide clean up kits, blankets, and long term recovery support, as well as globally working with hunger-related projects like sustainable water sources and more.
Questions? Email us at bouldercropwalk@gmail.com
Updates: Where shall we walk?
What does a modified walk mean? It could mean folks raise funds, set a time, and then walk when they can walk, with whom they feel comfortable walking. We encourage folks to walk with their households, in their own neighborhoods with family or friends. Indoor walks, walk challenges, and more can make up this year’s CROP WALK, so please be creative! Anytime you walk is fine, and there are a variety of options. All “walks” need to be completed with funds turned in on our final date of October 25th.
Questions? Email us at bouldercropwalk@gmail.com
2019 Congratulations!
Our walk on October 20 was a tremendous success as of 11/4/19 the total was:
Thank you all for your amazing work to support the walk!
See you this Sunday!
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Westview Presbyterian Church
1500 Hover St.
Longmont, CO 80501-2465
Registration 1:00pm, Walk Starts 2pm
Support the walk! Donate online by clicking here!
Update 10/10/19 Boulder County Hunger CROP Walk!
We are hoping you can join us Sunday, October 20th for this year’s walk. We’ll start at Westview Presbyterian Church Longmont, beginning 2pm.
CROP Walk is an annual fundraising walk (2 mile, 6.21 mile and 10K run) that works to end
hunger locally and around the world. Locally raised funds also benefit Community Food Share and its partner agencies such as the ROUND PANTRY at Westview Presbyterian Church. This year’s Boulder County CROP Walk will honor Dennis Hurianek’s work as co-chair of the CROP Walk.
CROP Rock!
If you’d like to take part in CROP Walk but don’t feel like you can walk a route, a flexible option is available to you. You can rock while others are walking and you can rock at home, on your porch, at church with friends, at a care facility with loved ones, wherever your favorite rocker is!
CROP Rock will happen on Sunday, October 20, between 2:00 and 2:30 (or longer for those who snooze…) Arrive by 1:30 if you plan to rock at Westview.
You can register your efforts and raise donations online at https://www.crophungerwalk.org/boulderco/
Update 9/3/19 Boulder County Hunger CROP Walk!
Westview Presbyterian Church is hosting this year’s Boulder County CROP Hunger Walk/Run on October 20, which will wind around MacIntosh Lake (6.2 miles) or sidewalks around 15th and Hover (flat, accessible, no major street crossings, 2 miles). This year we honor the memory of Dennis Hurianek, long-time Westview, Longmont, and CROP Walk involved citizen volunteer.
Last year, the wakl raised $28,417 for the hungry and had roughly 173 walkers! Our goal for this year is to raise $30,000 with 200 Walkers! WILL YOU JOIN US? Or help sponsor a walker/team?
New this year – CROP ROCK! Those who can’t walk will have a chance to “rock” on the afternoon of the Walk/Run. Details to come! (Looking into how many rockers we can reasonably borrow for the day, among other aspects.)
Also new this year – The longer distance has been carefully routed to provide for those who are 10K runners. Once across 17th/Hover, the route will allow you to practice for your next official run. You will need to be self timed.
For more information, please contact BoulderCropWalk@gmail.com
2019 Boulder County Hunger CROP Walk!
October 20, 2019
Host church: Westview Presbyterian Church
1500 Hover St.
Longmont, CO 80501-2465
Registration 1:00pm, Walk Starts 2pm
2018 Draft Walk Totals are in!
WOW- thanks to all our walkers and sponsors for this year’s walk! We are pleased to announce that as of December 3rd, 2018 we have raised $28,645
Thank you all who walked and helped this vital cause!
2018 Boulder County Hunger CROP Walk!
October 21, 2018
Host church: Community United Church of Christ
2650 Table Mesa Dr.
Boulder, CO 80305
Registration 1:15pm, Walk Starts 2pm
Congratulations to all who walked in 2017!
The 2017 walk raised $29,561
Thank you to all who walked and hiked in the woods, even for the people that decide to do archery using the top quality laser range-finder. We are looking forward to you joining us again.