We would love it if you could join us this year!
Please mark your calendars for our Recruiter Orientation & Training:
When: Aug 12th 7:00pm
Where: TBA
for the
Boulder County CROP Hunger Walk 2015
Sunday, October 25th at 2pm
Host: St. Mary Magdalene Episcopal Church Boulder,
4775 Cambridge St. Boulder CO 80301.
It would be a huge help if you could reply to this email with the following information:
1) Confirmation that you will be able to be the recruiter for your faith community for 2015. Please include any recent changes to your contact information.
2) Or, if you are not returning as recruiter but have found someone else to serve, please send me that person’s name and contact information.
3) If you know of any local businesses that might be interested in sponsoring the CROP Walk please let me know and I would be happy to forward them more information.
THANK YOU for your past and current involvement in the CROP Hunger Walk. We look forward to working with you in the weeks and months ahead!