Hope all is going well with your preparations and recruiting for walkers for our Oct. 25th Boulder County CROP Hunger walk to be held at St Mary Magdalene church in Boulder.
We are looking forward to a great walk! All our recruiters have been busy because there are some very nice displays in our walker churches. By the way- the shirts are in and if you would like your organizer shirt please let us know how to get them to you!
Please know we are are here to support you. If you need any thing like brochures, posters, or other methods of support PLEASE LET US KNOW!
In the mean time:
– Share your stories and with others
– Share your successes with all
– Keep hungry folks in your prayers
From now until the walk we will become more and more active on the website, blog, Facebook and twitter so tell your folks they can keep checking for stories and updates. 🙂
Thank you all for your passion and your good work. Keep telling the stories, being faithful and we know great things will happen!
Keep in touch and keep asking questions