We know not only to supper heros have special powers, but your CROP walk recruiters can also do just about anything too!
They will help you as walkers to find donations, recruit other walkers and provide information to you like walk registration times (1:15-2pm October 14th), start time (2pm) and route directions. For example, they know that the walk heads north past MacIntosh lake, then south through west Longmont and the route is just under 10 KM. If you wish to participate but don’t feel like you can do the full distance, you can still participate by doing the short walk.
As walkers, you can bring your friends, your kids, you can even bring your dog! But most of all- bring your walker envelopes with the donations you have collected and give them to your recruiter. Then need to collect them before you turn them into the volunteer registrars the day of the walk. Remember donations go to benefit Community Food Share, Church World Service and Bread for the World. (you can also designate a gift as well)
For more information, please contact your recruiter!